Stu Brewer - Studio Brewdio

Home of Stu Brewer and his explorations in guitar playing, teaching, creating and gear

My First Vigier Has Left The Factory...

Just had confirmation from the lovely people at Vigier that my first of three Vigier's has left the factory on its way to me. 

This one is the "normal" one, an Expert Classic Rock. Three single coils for that retro vibe but with none of the headache's you get with your average Strat. I especially love the inclusion of a locking jack plug socket, what a genius idea and locking tuners to make string changes a breeze.

Expert Classic Rock 170092 Anti Tobacco.jpg

I'll do an unboxing and demo video as soon as it arrives but in the meantime I get to look at those pictures sent from Lina at the factory.

Finally I've had my other two Vigier orders confirmed. These are the more "out there" ones and will be ready in about 6 months time. I can't wait!

Expert Classic Rock Anti-Tobacco 170092.jpg